Preparation Work for Tour de Grove Continues…

For the past month, a newly formed committee made up of area stakeholders and business owners have been hard at work preparing Forest Park Southeast for the Tour de Grove and its’ associated events on June 12th and 13th.  Under the guidance of Atomic Cowboy owner, Chip Schloss, the event committee has set a priority to ensure that this event take place as professionally as possible and that the neighborhood present itself favorably.

That being said, WUMCRC employee, Travis Phelps, has been working with the committee and filled us in with some of their current undertakings…

“Right now, the committee is working on setting up the locations of viewing areas for the races.  The idea is that most of the spaces will be at hard turns on the course (like that at Chouteau and Tower Grove) because that is where the most excitement occurs for the viewers and racers.  We would like to have certain areas that are deemed more family oriented and other areas that have other events going on (such as a skate ramp).

Additionally, we are working with residents and business owners to figure out an appropriate way to get everyone involved in helping this area put on it’s best “face” to the rest of the world!  And yes, I mean world, because this event will be followed by many foreign racing fans and press sources!”

Check back with us for more information on the upcoming Tour de Grove as we get updates from Travis from his weekly meetings!

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